Wednesday, August 1, 2007

muscle beach cheer

like billy mentioned, we all went out to venice beach for some sun, swim + a powerlifting competition at muscle beach (we watched our dad compete) + had a great time!! chris loved being in the ocean, as we all did, there's nothing like hanging out with great friends + having an awesome picnic on the beach, what a spread it was! looking forward to going to the beach again when we're all in town. so much fun!!!!
with love,

Monday, July 30, 2007

Surf Team News

Chris came out to Venice Beach on Saturday, July 21. We spent the whole day at the beach and also enjoyed a power lifting contest at Muscle Beach. Kipling, Rita, Anna, and I were stoked to join Chris for a swim in the ocean that day. It was sweet for him to get back into the surf and feel the power of the ocean for the first time since the accident. He really enjoyed himself and I was so happy to be there to witness the big smile on his face when he surfaced after a wave broke right on his head.

So far, the Surf Team has $320 a month ready to go, with more pledges hopefully on the way! The organizers would like to start payments by August 1st, so if you're signed up, please make your first payment. Our surf team is shaping up to be a powerful super-team, an 'uber-team for oberle'. If more of us chip in, we will make an even bigger difference in helping fund Chris' recovery program.

Chris is looking forward to getting back into the water very soon. I will keep you updated! I'm looking into locating the right personal flotation device for him. Chris is in touch with some amazing athletes and he is learning about the possibilities of taking a surf kayak or surf board into the ocean in the future... more on that soon. He'll be ripping the waves before you know it!

If you haven't signed up and would like to chip in, please let me know how much you can pledge and make a first payment. Every donation helps, however small! If you’d like to talk story, shoot me an email.

I'd like to hear from any other teams 'in honor of chris oberle' out there.
