together with the amazing donations + fierce contributing bids, we collectively raised $20,000 for Chris!!!!!
to the elite group of DONORS + BIDDERS, THANK YOU!!!
There were spectacular auction items + the bidding was fierce, some of you were true champions (you know who you are!) + you can still visit the site to see how everything went down!
Thank you all SO very much for your enthusiasm + heart, it was such a great success + I hope you all had as much fun as I did watching it all happen. It is truly amazing + Chris is beside himself with the outpouring of love + support to make a little of the impossible seem possible.
Please stay in touch with chris through this blog, where we will try + keep everyone up to date on where he is + what he's up to + any hopefully FUTURE EVENTS of all sizes, near + far! Your bids are what have made the next few months possible. Keep in touch!!
On behalf of chris + myself, I thank you again + again + again......
With overwhelming gratitude + love in my heart,
P.S. a special shout out to all our fabulous donors: inSite, Quint Contemporary Art, Estudio Teddy Cruz, Jordan Crandall, Geoff Mcfetridge, GAIA Day Spa, jetBlue, Caleb Siemon Glass, Equinox Fitness Center, lee + mundwiler architects, OCMA, Trina Turk, LAXART, barbara bestor architecture, Love the Belly, notNeutral, Bernini's Bistro, Stuart Collection UCSD, LACMA, Active skate gear, shukai studio, NBC Universal, Benito Villanueva, Stephan Mundwiler, Michael Krichman + Carmen Cuenca, Lilly Mayback, Rosalie + Dan Cornew, Maria Siani, Lisa Tan, Balz Mueller, Jon Grant (Turley Wines), Sheila Burns, Mario Ybarra Jr., Lee + Stuart Posnock, Katherine Zabloudil, Les Lackman, Oberle Family + Joe Fleischer