Saturday, May 12, 2007
uncle chris! :o)
"....With God's help I shall succeed."
~Vincent VanGogh
Thinking Good Thoughts
Steve Saturno
Maxin' & Relaxin', and soon to be Flexin'
The news that came to me last week about your accident was a shock and bummed me out in a supreme fashion. How is it something like this happens to someone so darned nice and undeserving? I don't get it. Despite the circumstance, I hope all the tremendous support of caring family and friends who are writing and visiting are keeping your spirit and character up to the usual Chris Oberle level.
Sorry I'm not down in LA to visit prior to your trip out to CO. I do have a project under construction out in Denver at the moment and will have several trips over the next few weeks for site observation and substantial completion. I see Craigs Hospital is in Denver, I'm going to try and swing by for a visit if the darned contractor isn't keeping me busy correcting his incorrections. Hopefully you'll be available for visits. It's been too long since we coincidentally ran into each other on the sidewalk in San Francisco.
I am hoping super-dupper crazy hard all your rehab goes smoother than anticipated....and the physical trauma soon goes by the wayside. My thoughts are definitely with you.
Advance apology for my crass humor, but one thing I haven't read in this blog is what the heck happened to your mountain bike? If it's still rideable mind if I borrow it? I'll take excellent care of it, grease the chain and clean the derailleur, gears, the works...I'll even put a little shiny bell on it that goes DING-A-LINGA-DING-DING!!!
I was thinking the other day about that first semester studio we had with Natalie. Remember that time we were in studio and someone comes in and yells, "Cris, your dog's driving away with your truck?" You ran outside to find Bruno had chewed off your stick shift knob and in the process popped your truck out of gear into neutral. Your truck rolled away with Bruno in the driver seat. That was funny stuff.
Enough of my ranting....Take care Chris. I wish you the best on recovery and please keep your determination and spirit up during your rehab.
Talk soon,
Steve Hegedus
craig hospital video
CHRIZZIEEE da globetrotter
Congratulations on the great place you are going to, Craigs seems like they know whats up! And spending some time in Colorado never hurts, it is about time you see some other mountains ;).
I keep logging on to this blog everyday, and see all these amazing friends you have write super powerful messages, with love, humour, and tons of positive energy and recourceful information. It is pretty damn amazing! I think you can start your global company any day now. You know the one where you let the connectivity of people work wonders while you chill in some beautiful part of the world with your laptop and your cool renderings and ideas? Ok my friend. just want you to know that you mean very very a lot to me. I know you will do this and I hope you can yell out if there is any point during this next year when you need extra anything so that we can be there for you as much as you are allways there for everyone around you. I will keep on checking this blog for sure but it would be cool if we could get a physical address of where u will be. I like to send oldfashioned snail mail every now and then. Please post it when you get a chance.
LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!! Keep on Being the amazing rocking champ that you are.
Anna and Rita and Bill! Thanks for all the work that you have put in to inform everyone and keeping this blog etc going. You are incredible and Chris is a very lucky guy to have you, (or is it skill????) peace and out.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Chris's Smile
We talked about many things including the architectural competition he's been working on and the ideas and visuals presented on the final panels were amazing and beautiful. The 'Frost wall' he developed is just another example of how brilliant Chris is with his architectural thinking. I believe the jury will decide on the winner the 23rd of May so lets hope for the best for Chris and the Team (Lee + Mundwiler Architects) in a couple of weeks from now. Btw, some of the images + ideas from the competition will be posted soon on this Blog so definitely check it out when it comes.
It was fantastic to meet some new friends that night and to bump into an old friend (what's up Casey!!, give you a call soon enough to catch up in times...Congrats again on your future at Bartlett, I know you will be killing it when your in Europe!). Again, Supa-Dupa THANK YOU to Anna + Rita for all of the updates on Chris's condition. Chris is very very lucky to be surrounded by the love and care both of you have been projecting to him!
We'll be seeing Chris again this Sunday Afternoon before his departure to Colorado the following day and wishing him the very best on this new chapter in his life...Keep the hope alive and keep on Smiling Chris, you've got a lot of people who believe in you and love you!!!
~Joe Fleischer

Hi Chris!
As I told you, I'm coming to Denver Tuesday for the day. I'm driving home with Kendra Tuesday night or Wednesday morning as she is finished with school at Boulder for the year. Would LOVE to visit with you and Nadine! You might be busy, in which case maybe I could spend some time with Nadine... lunch? If Nadine is busy too, I'm coming anyway and will cheerlead in the hallways :)
I'll call Nadine on her cell tomorrow and let her know my plans.
When we saw Toni, Karina and Jai, Jai had his right shoe on his left foot, and his left shoe on his right foot. He said "bye" to us when we left! He's soooo cute!
Good luck Monday!!!! I'm sure you'll all do great!
See you soon! Love, Kim
EARLY MON. MORNING positive energy
i wanted to keep the ball rolling from cliff's entry to ask for everyone's positive energy + thoughts to be sent chris's way for a safe flight to denver monday morning (5/14). it will definitely be a tough trip, but if we all have chris in our thoughts EARLY MONDAY MORNING, i think together we can help lift him + give him the strength he will need to make it to craig's hospital + get settled for the next few months that he will be there. POSITIVE THOUGHTS UNITE!!
with love,
positive energy
Great news about your acceptance to Craig Hospital. That was quick! Sounds like everything is on a fast track there. You're out of ICU early, then you're starting PT, now you're in a wheelchair, and next? At minimum it seems like the collective positive energy (of you and your family/friends) is feeding back on itself and is set to carry you to a speedy recovery.
To help keep that ball rolling I want you to know that you are in my thoughts a lot. I am envisioning you a year from now, at the tail end of a remarkable recovery, with more spirit than ever.
Safe travels to Denver.
Take care.
you can make it through anything if u keep thinkin like an eagle!!!
We're so happy to hear you're in recovery mode. Way to pick one of the most beautiful cities in the world for this next stage.
Your strength -- both physical and emotional -- will carry you through. Do know you are in our thoughts and hearts EVERY DAY.
Much love, Vickie & Phil
Late Night Blog Bomb

"If I cantilever this 3 feet I will save 12 feet in coverage......... I wonder how late KFC is open?

Chris O rising above - You can't keep tahoe boys down.
Yeah Chris - Nice work work on getting into Craig! This is definitely the best choice.
LOTS of positive energy coming your way from Tahoe.
Not sure if you are aware of this but.......... You're kind of a big deal around here.
I'll see you in Denver on Monday.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
'ey Chris!
Hanging with Chris - Standby...Standby...awesome.
I'm SO PUMPED about your insurance giving you the thumbs up for Colorado. So what if the people you'll be rehabing with are athletes. SO ARE YOU. You have the energy of a bear, that has the energy of two bears! Bruno's pumped too, he misses you already, he's like "wtf? Where's Chris? He's the only one who can stand my breath!" I hope he can hang with you out in Colorado.
When you spend as many years at sciarc as Chris did, you're gonna have a lot of good friends you can count on... :)
Love from Marilu and Daniel

Wishing you a complete recovery!
So sorry to hear about your accident. I don't know much but heard a little from Casey Snell. I still can't believe it. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and wish you a complete recovery. Wow this is overwhelming. I know I can't visit you but would if I was any closer.
I read through some of the blogs and sympathize with everyone in that I find you to be an exceptionally exceptional person and I know if there is Karma that it is on your side. Stay strong and be a champion at recovery. I know what a strong person you are and I know you can get through the challenges that face you. All the best to you and your family (Hi Anna), anything I can do to help you from up here? I would be happy to help.
Get well! Your Buddy, Nick Beaucage
with overwhelming love + joy,
Plumas Bank
PO Box 1499
Kings Beach, CA. 96143.
........Now Chris, if anyone sends in a million dollars or something, well, then we're gonna have to talk about my cut of that. Sooooooo many people have asked to help, and we just thought this was a great way to start. Always thinkin' of you.
Lesley and Dave Bruening
Research by Hans Kierstead, PhD @ UC Irvine
Here's some initial info as promised. You may find his publications at UCLA's med library next door. Anna may also check out some books for you to read. I am still working on the info of therapy, therapists, support groups, and coping in Southern California.
Dr. Hans Kierstead's research area is:
Primary Research Interests:
The Keirstead laboratory conducts clinically directed research that addresses both axonal regeneration and myelin regeneration following injury to the adult spinal cord
Yours, Ozge
Visiting HOURS
5.10.07 UPDATE
i wanted to check in + report to you on last night's visit with chris + the great friends, among so many, that came to visit him...big shout out to joe f.+ sing sing, tony c., boja, andre, sameena + casey who were there to share their love with chris + will hopefully report on their visit. chris was tired, but he was so thrilled to see you. thank you bill for adding the calendar, i'm trying to figure out how i can get myself on the calendar, but i think its great!! it will be a great way for everyone to see who will be there when if you want to carpool + what his schedule is like. i will try + update asap.
also, if you do visit chris it is imperative that YOU WASH YOUR HANDS EVERY time you walk through his door, even if you were just in the room or you think your hands are clean. if you are even a little bit sick, please don't touch him or get close, chris is in a fragile state + we don't want him to catch anything, even a little cold. at the same time, DO come to visit chris!
he finally got a chance to see all the blog entries + emails that he's gotten that i've printed out + i can not even explain to you the smile on his face of happiness + love i know he was reading + feeling from you all. i wish i would have taken a picture of him reading them to share with you all....priceless. keep the great blogging going, i will always print out the latest so that he can have it to keep that beautiful smile on his face. it was so wonderful to leave him for the night with all the warm feelings + thoughts he had running through his head. we are hoping that he can go to Rehab as soon as possible (maybe in the next 3 days), don't know when or where yet, but i will let you know when something gets determined, in the meantime, visit him while he's here!!! you can call me with any questions.
with love,
Smiles all around,
thinking of you
I was very sad to hear about your accident, I cant imagine what you must be going through. When my sister told me the news, I got to thinking about the last time I saw you and realized how long it has been, too long. I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you everyday.
Love your cousin,
Man, I almost deleted Rita's e-mails as spam and then recognised your name... Just came back from a mountain biking weekend this Monday myself, certainly puts that in a different perspective! It's been ages, but I remember you vividly and if someone has got the strength to get up and to get on with it, it must be you. Life can be a bumpy ride (inappropriately appropriate) and often we just have to go along wherever it takes us… (wherever, whatever, whenever) You can’t go up without going down and after this, there must be a huge top ahead!
Lots of love and strength from (nowadays) London,
Martijn/ Marty
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This is all an experiment and will have to be managed and updated, we'll see if its useful.
Thinking of you
Take care,
Jeff Lashins + Sarah France
Thinking of you
Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you. The kids have gotten their classes at school saying prayers for you, and there is someone asking about you everywhere I go. So know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many back here. We all want to see you and hopefully we will be able to soon. Take care and be strong.
Tim, Shawna, Madison, Joseph, Brennan & Gunner
I was shocked to hear about your accident but I am so glad you are surrounded my an amazing family and great group of friends. You always amazed me with your optimistic and whatever-goes outlook that I am sure comes from an inner calm. It won't be easy but I am confident you learn incredible things about yourself and the people who care about you through this experience. We didn't know each other well but I will be thinking of you often during your recovery. I'll check in often to see how you are doing.
You can do this.
all the best,
Jennifer Dunlop
Healing Chris
I am sad to hear about your accident BUT happy to hear you are in good spirits. It is going to take a lot of work to get strong and it definitely starts with your mind. I just returned from Santa Cruz where Todd is sailing in the Melges Worlds. Pretty cool-60 boats. He sends his best and will write more in a few days. We've been thinking about you every day & sending healing prayers.
I am going to be in Santa Monica next week for an acupuncture class and will definitely come by and visit. Is there anything you need brought down from Tahoe?
Now for the acupuncture plug:
I think that acupuncture would be a great adjunct to any therapy you are receiving and we can talk more about that when I visit if you like. I worked in the UCLA student health center when I was in acupuncture school. Perhaps we could hook you up with an acupuncturist through UCLA. Who knows maybe you'll let me do some energy work or poke you with a few needles next week.
All the best to you & Anna..See you soon. Julie Barnett
My thoughts and prayers go out to you daily. Knowing you, I'm sure you have your usual optimistic attitude and overwhelming strength that we all admire about you. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you but it sounds like you have wonderful support that will get you through this. So many friends from Hutch ask about you frequently and they send their love. At work I have heard of so many success stories and I know with your drive and determination you will be one of them! I know you will amaze us all as you have so many times before!
With all my love,
Thinking of YOU Chris!!!
I hope you are getting lots of rest right now and staying strong towards recovery.
Just wanted to send you happy thoughts and let you know how much you are being thought of everyday!!!! =)
(many EXES and OZES your way from Caleb as well)
XO, slim
Thinking of you
I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I think of you often. I wish you a full and speedy recovery.
Our hearts and healing thoughts reach out to you right now. I was just thinking of you this morning wondering what you would think about the colors we chose to paint the breezeway and home theatre that you so beautifully designed. I was also wonderding "what color would Chris advise us to paint the elevator doors after seeing how fabulous the walls turned out?" Then I come to hear about your recent misfortune and nearly fatal accident and am so very relieved that you are still with us. I worried about you after the surfing mishap and thought that you were extremely adventurous person and very lucky not to have lost your eye - that one was a close one and now this... You are such a wonderful and creative architect and this accident is just a setback as your sweet demeaner and great attitude will serve you well and will get you through these new challenges gracefully, like you.
Please know how much John and I care about you and that we are rooting for you!
Love, Barbara & John Richard
Wishing You Super-Human Strength!
Love from Lauri and Peter
Lauri and I have you in our prayers.
We wish you a fast recovery.
Much love and good thoughts to you and your family.
Lauri and Peter
Wish you the Best
Wishing you the fastest recovery on record, buddy! So great to hear all the positive responses from your friends and family.
You're such a strong person, physically and mentally. I know you can conquer this, especially with the help of your army of friends.
Steve Saturno
Hello Chris
Please look into Awakenings Health Institute in Solana Beach for rehabilitation. My brother Adam works there as an accupuncturist. It's a wonderful place, and is completely dedicated to spinal cord injury patients.
call Awakenings (858-794-9956) and ask forLaura Karch. She will not only be a great comfort to them---as she has gonethrough this herself and recovered----but she will also be able to help themknow how to go about the next year and beyond and hopefully get Chrisrehabing as soon as possible.She is away until fri. so they can call on fri. I will tell her to expect acall and forward her this email.
with all my love and support,
Matt Gries
Wishing you fast recovery
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Cevat and I wish your fast recovery. From our brief encounter and your blogs we can tell that you are an inspiring spirit to your friends, which we are sure will reflect upon you. We also wish you, Anna, and your families patience and strength during these difficult times. We would like to offer our help in anyway that you and your loved ones need.
with love,
Ozge and Cevat
Patience is the key to relief, and removes every kind of difficulty (Mevlana Rumi).
Chris' wonderful family
out of ICU
Our thoughts and prayers continue.
- Steven and Adrienne
Ad Astra per Aspera, buddy.
I've been thinking of an anecdote I read from a Doctor who had practiced in NYC and then moved his practice to the Plains. In New York he had to divide his patients complaints by 10 to get an idea of the actual pain they were feeling, in the Plains he had to multiply the patients complaints by a factor of ten to begin to understand what they were feeling. I know that Chris's Doctors are probably doing the same thing, perhaps by x100.
We're glad to hear you're out of the ICU and stabilized. I wish we were there to drop in and talk with you.
(I see in the news that someone is exacting your revenge on the hills of LA.)
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. and i send you daily doses of strength and persistance, although you are the last person to need any of that since you possess more than any of us could imagine. i know you will use it to face these upcoming trials. you are truly amazing and inspiring, and we all know that your perseverence will carry you through this.
there is no doubt in my mind that you will triumph, and that soon you will ride again.
please allow us all to help in any way you and your families need, and to give back to you all that you have given to us in your friendship, smiles, and laughter.
Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colorado is one of the top in this country for spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. There is also Rancho Los Amigos in LA but it is a county hospital probably not the best for you and also Santa Clara up in North Cal. I would suggest Craig, probably the best.
wanted to let you know that i am thinking of you, your family, and glad you have so much wonderful support out there… and I’m sending all the best thoughts in the world your way. you are without a doubt, one of the kindest, most inspirational people I’ve ever met… and the type of person who will continue to inspire everyone no matter what.
sometimes you just have a picture of a person in your mind… and you don’t really have a choice what that picture is. your picture, chris, (which has been constantly in my thoughts this past week) is of you with the h u g e s t smile on your face. I don’t think I have ever seen you any other way…. and I hope to see that smile again soon!
Another Resource
visting tuesday night....
I just got off the phone with Rocky, and it sounds as though he and Kim communicated to you how much you mean to all of us. Also, that we stand on call to help with what ever we can. If a visitation schedule is established, we will look forward to planning a trip.
All our love,
Joel, Jenn & Lucia
rocky woods here....
thanks for creating this awesome blog...
what would your thoughts be about a section at the top of the blog for a "visiting calendar ", and maybe a "sign up sheet" directly below (or some such thing) ? i wonder if anna thinks it's a good or a bad idea?
anyway, if it's a good idea, then chris and family could respond to folks on the sheet about the best time to "come over"...
just a thought....anyway, let me know if there's anything at all that i can do to help re: this.....or anything....
Come Visit!!
rocky here.....been thinkin about you every day....
i was thinkin about all of the technical info that you will be processing in the weeks to come, wondering if it would be of any use to kind of create an organized database (library) with different folders (catagories) or some such that data can be revisited in an organized way, and so that anyone with new data would know where to "put it"...
i guess the key thing is to create the "categories", ie basically the key questions or important issues for which more data is needed to make your decisions....if the questions could be articulated, then there is an amazing resource pool of smart people here on this blog who could get to work fillin in the folders with pertinent info for your review.
anyway, let us know if you think that has any merit or.... ??
all for now bro...
5.8.07 update
i just wanted to check in with you to let you know that chris's chest tube was taken out today, which is good, he's tired, but he had physical therapy earlier today and chris is a total champion of physical therapy! i will let you know when i know more.....every day i see chris, i have such admiration for his strength + will, he is a true example of a man + i am so happy + proud to have him as my friend. keep the great blogging going, we told chris about the blog + his face lit up. he will be so happy to see everything you have written, it will warm his heart, just as it has all of ours.
with great love,
rita haudenschild
(anna's sister + chris's friend)
more links
The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
In particular, Overview: How to Pick a Rehab Center has basic info but unfortunately no opinions about which centers are especially good.
There's a brimming sea of info out there. For example:
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The American Physical Therapy Association
The American Occupational Therapy Association
There is also a huge number of links to resources at the Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care and Cure (identified earlier in another post):
It's a little overwhelming. In future posts I will try to help you wade through some of it.
When can we visit?
I was so stunned by the news of your accident. I think about you every day and send out positive thoughts to somehow aid in your recovery. I have so much faith that you are going to get through this. I came across this quote and thought of you:
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will" - Gandhi
And we all know that you have the will to overcome this. Your positive attitude is captivating and your smile alone makes people feel better. Take this energy with you through this difficult journey and you will heal.
I'm so happy that you are out of the ICU. So many of us would like to visit and if you're going to Colorado, we better make it quick. Although I'm sure there is already a roadtrip being organized.
Hope to see you soon,
Stay strong... you WILL make it through
Wow. I just heard about your accident and am reeling in emotional shock. I don't know what to say, except that Chicory and I will be thinking about you and praying for the best.
There is no doubt that the next few years are going to be an incredibly challenging period of recovery for you and your family. There is also no doubt that you have the strength to match the challenges, and I want you to know that you can count on me for support as you make your way around and over the obstacles ahead.
Chicory and I are also thinking about and praying for Anna and your families. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help in the short term. I see that some folks have posted links about rehab centers and the latest medical research on recovering from spinal cord injuries. Seems like that kind of research would be useful---I can image that it would ease the burden a little to have others searching for clues about how best to navigate through the maze ahead. I will do what I can to help along these lines.
Stay strong and take care,
-Cliff and Chicory
I hope you feel much better already
Ben forwarded a message about your bike accident to me this morning. We all met at his good
bye dinner a few weeks ago.
I am very sorry to hear that you had this terrible accident. Fortunately someone was there to offer immediate help and I am sure you are in good hands right now.
I wanted to get in touch with you to forward my wishes for a quick and full recovery to you.
I very much hope that you will reach a stable condition soon which will allow you to start
the physical therapy - all of this will require lots of patience but it will be very helpful.
Get well soon - Christoph
Mr. Chris Oberle. This is Victoria Villanueva - pseudo Haudenschild by birth and friend to all Haudenses, Sianis, Parsers and Oberles by default whether they like it or not. I cannot tell you how devastated I was to hear of anything bad happening to YOU. You are such a lovely, sweet, kind soul and such a great guy overall. I have seen how happy you make my little Anita and to see Anna Banana happy makes me twice as happy. I have had lovely times with you both and think highly of you. Though we haven't spent much time together as friends I consider you as such and have all the love and respect for you and your good nature and wonderful way about you. I don't typically pray at night and find myself doing so and thinking only good thoughts for you, your family, and Anna's. I have faith that with your positive attitude and natural strength and will to improve, you will manage to make such a negative experience into a postive one. I have suffered greatly in the last few years for different reasons and don't know if it serves as anything other than guidance for those that need to deal with pain of some sort. If on your road to recovery you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to yell in, I'm here for you though I'm sure you have a world of friends and family to keep you company out West. Know that my thoughts are with you from New York and YOU WILL FIND A WAY TO BE OK AND HAPPY. I know it. Best of luck during this painful time. And you HANG IN THERE. There are tons of research centers addressed to this kind of injury alone. Let's all start searching for solutions and you start resting up and getting well as best you can. I send you all my love and thoughts and prayers and hope to be kept up to speed on your well-being. God bless you and your family and you hang tight. Besos! Kisses! Lots of Love, Victoria Villanueva xox
travel calendar
Great to hear you're outta the trauma ward!
Rocky and I were thinking...
1. A calendar for all of us to let each other know when we'll be visiting you. Maybe a link off the blog?
2. An account to put $'s in for stuff... stuff that insurance might not cover, like drugs that are not yet FDA approved but might help? Or for travel funds for family/friends to come visit you if anyone needed... Or extra massages?
I talked to Leslie yesterday and one of the things we thought people might like to do is get together and play and tell stories and put $'s in a "pot" to help out. I KNOW you don't want/need charity, but all of us need something to do that make us feel like we're helping (besides thinking good thoughts lots!) Anyway, just wanted to keep you up to date on some of our latest thoughts. Miss you guys! Lot's of Love, Kim and Rocky
Status from Anna
Chris was moved out of the ICU late last night. It was an exhausting experience for all of us. His new roommate is an old super snory man who Chris is sure to befriend. He has been really pensive, concentrating his efforts on getting better and learning about his condition.
Chris remains so sleepy but I know he would really enjoy seeing all of you. I have been giving him as much space as possible but I want to be with him all the time. His parents are here helping him out, and my family has been surrounding him and me with comfort and love.
The next step for him is to get him off to Rehab as soon as possible. He still has his chest tube in and many painful injuries, but it seems as if in the next week he will be able to go. Right now the best place we found (according to doctors and reports) is in Colorado.
It would be great to know if anyone has heard of it. This means that he will be close to his entire family in Kansas, but far from me. I am determined to finish my Masters Degree by summer time, but will be visiting him as much as possible until then.
So, he will be so happy to see you, but we don't want to overwhelm him right away. It would be great to have a few people at a time day or night and perhaps you can let everyone know when you intend to come so the times can be coordinated.
Looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts they are powerful enough to float his body, mind and spirit to the top of the tallest mountains.
Your Anna
Hey Chris...
Hey, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and your recovery.
With love,
Dearest Dearest Rockstar Chris!!!!!!
I also must say that I have never met anyone stronger than you, you are mentally and physically STRONG AS BULL! All I want you to know is that all my energy and thoughts are directed your way. I hope you can feel it. All the other friends you made here in Stockholm, Filippa, Miriam, Elise and Lisa, my brother and his wife and all the rest of my family are all sending their prayers and energy to you as well.
You will do this. My very very biggest hug to you and Anna. I am with you even though you can't see me! :)
to chris
Just returned from out of town and was dismayed to hear about your accident. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I know how strong and positive you are and have every faith that you will be making a expedited recovery. Hang in there.
Leah K.
first blog ever

I have never blogged in my life, but I am ready to blog blog blog. Here is picture from FLR home in Arizona. I was there a few weeks ago. They do a great tour. They make you believe FLR invented everything though.... Have you ever been there. What do you think of FLR's work. There are things I like, and there are things I don't.
We wish you the very best. Your in our thoughts.
I will blog again....
- Steven
Monday, May 7, 2007
Mr. Cobra Lee
I'm thinking about you every day man. It's obvious that if anyone I know would somehow someday in the future turn this thing that happened into an offhand story while we're refueling in a Dunkin' Donuts for our daily bike commute down Venice Boulevard, that man would be you.
You know who you're going to be like? You're going to be like Bruce Lee when he hurt his back and the doctors said "no more jeet-kune-do for you Bruce." And Bruce was all "Nuh-uh. I'm Bruce Lee man." And while he was recovering while stuck in bed for months, he wrote two big volumes about how to be almost as awesome as him called the Tao of Gong-Fu (he couldn't have done it without the help of his lovely wife Linda :) Then he decided to become even better than he was before because he worked his mind when he couldn't work his body. Then he went on to totally blow everyone's mind when he filmed Game of Death where he fought Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. If you get down, think of Bruce Lee and how determined he was to not give up and turn the situation to his advantage.
Oh and I'm making you a hypo-allergenic pillow stuffed with the shredded remains of your credit card offers. I know how sensitive you are to strange fabrics.
I miss you Chris. I can't wait to see you dude.
An inspiring story
I was deeply sadden to hear about your accident. I am glad to see all of the support you and Anna have among friends and family.
I remember coming across a story of a professional football player who injured his neck and was paralyze from the waist down. I have posted the article below describing his recovery to walk again and later his return to a successful football career.
Those who has visited Chris already, thank you for the updates.
My hearts, thoughts and prayers are with you Chris.
Three years after doctors told him he'd never walk again, the Destroyers' JoJo Polk is a rising star in the Arena Football League.
News Sports Reporter
As JoJo Polk describes how he slammed headfirst into a wall during an Arena football game in South Carolina nearly three years ago, he keeps pausing, trying to articulate what transpired.
"It was a blur and then my vision started coming back to me," said Polk, 24. "When it came back, there was a bunch of people standing around me. It takes awhile for your hearing to come back, too."
Polk, who was playing for the Tulsa Talons of arenafootball2, at first couldn't hear the trainer ask him to move his arms and legs. Seconds later, he couldn't hear the trainer demand that he move his arms and legs. He didn't know his neck was broken or that his promising career in the Arena league had begun to slip away. All Polk knew was that he had broken up a pass - that's what he got paid to do - and that a win on that day would put the Talons in the af2 playoffs. Then his hearing returned.
"JoJo," the trainer said, "move your hands, please, move your legs."
"I am," Polk finally said. "What's wrong?"
Three days later, doctors informed Polk he would never walk again. Three years later, however, Polk is a defensive specialist for the Buffalo Destroyers and among the Arena Football League's brightest young stars.
Polk has a team-high 28.5 tackles, six pass breakups and two interceptions for the Destroyers, who are x-x after their win/loss Saturday night at Tampa Bay.
Medically, the odds were not on Polk's side that he would ever play football, or walk, again. Roughly 200,000 Americans are living with spinal cord injuries, most caused by automobile accidents, gunshot wounds, falls or recreational sporting activities, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Of those who retain some sensation, only about 28 percent walk again, most supported by a cane, crutches or braces. Then there are patients whose recoveries defy statistical logic.
"Football is all he's ever dreamed of doing," said Cyrese Powell, Polk's mother, who lives in New Orleans. "The fact that he was injured doing the one thing that he loved most was almost ironic, but he's strong willed, very strong willed. The doctors said that's what pulled him through, his determination, his own determination, no matter what others were telling him - and most of it was negative. He had his own goals."
Worst fear confirmed
Polk has a body full of football energy, with the ability to run 40 yards in 4.3 seconds. At age 2, Polk told his mother he wanted to be a football player, and she later taught him how to catch passes and throw a tight spiral.
In 1999, Polk was a first-team All-Lone Star Conference defensive back in his senior season at Division II Northeastern State in Oklahoma.
But in July 2000, in one fear-provoking play, Polk cracked his C-6 vertebrate and was left without the use of his hands and legs.
Polk was baiting the quarterback before breaking up the pass but tripped over the intended receiver and slammed headfirst into the board. The trainers told him to be still, but Polk turned his head slightly and saw paramedics running toward him with a spinal board.
"I knew they were taking me to the hospital," Polk said.
He was taken to Trident Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., where a doctor told him what he already feared.
"I better tell you now," the doctor said. "You're paralyzed from the waist down."
Polk could bend his elbows but could barely move his fingers or flex his wrists. He had no motor function in his legs. The preliminary hope was he would recover enough use of his hand to operate a motorized wheelchair, to feed himself, shave and brush his teeth. But after being told his walking days were over he started making plans to compete in the Special Olympics.
"I cried like a baby," Polk said. "Then I thought about it and I said, "It might be God's will.' I tried to make the best out of it. I tried to make the nurses laugh and make my mom laugh. I knew I had everyone on my side. I've always been the vocal one, so why change now?"
Polk was trying to remain strong for his mother. Powell was trying to do the same for her son.
"It was the fear of the unknown," said Powell, who flew to South Carolina immediately following the accident. "There was no sleeping. To walk into a room and see your child lying still, a perfectly healthy human specimen . . . he couldn't move anything except his head at the time. I was emotional and I tried not to show it all to him."
Powell was taught by her mother that prayer works miracles. Two weeks later, her prayers were answered.
Rapid recovery
Each day after the accident, Polk sat in his bed trying to move his legs. Then, one day, while watching television, he felt a twitch. Polk pressed the call button for the nurses until they arrived. Later, the doctor examining him dismissed it as normal.
"Naw man," Polk said. "I felt this."
Polk began to make an astonishing recovery. Soon he walked with the aid of crutches. Two crutches soon became one. Doctors debated whether to perform surgery but decided on rehabilitation instead. Polk was placed in a device called a halo, a bulky metal brace that was screwed into his forehead and stabilized his neck in order to allow it to heal. He eventually was transferred to Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans.
He was supposed to be in the halo for three to six months, but Polk was healing at such a rapid rate that he remained in the device for only a month and was ready for rehab.
It helped that Polk was young, in remarkable physical condition and committed to playing football again. Polk lost his ability to feel and had to learn how to hold a spoon and fork. He had to perform tasks such as picking up grains of rice and placing them in a cup just to strengthen his fingers.
Before the accident, picking up 25-pound dumbbells was as easy as lifting a paper cup, but Polk couldn't pick up even a 5-pound dumbbell. Still, there was no time for self-pity.
"I worked hard," he said. "I started getting stronger, much stronger than anyone ever anticipated."
Running start
His legs got strong enough that four months after the accident he was walking under his own power. His rehab was improving and he was moved to the Tulane Sports Medical Center, but when he felt the doctors were hindering his progress, Polk decided to work out on his own.
"All of the sudden I was running," he said. "I was doing everything I needed to do."
In November 2000, almost a month after he took his first steps, Polk began playing in a flag football league to see if he could run and cover.
"That's when I knew I could play again," Polk said. "Once I started getting better, I knew I wanted to play ball. I had gotten things in the mail from the XFL, but, of course, I was injured so I couldn't go. I just wanted to play."
Powell wasn't so sure and expressed her concerns in a conversation laden with tears.
"I had to support his decision," Powell said. "I couldn't belittle him."
While contemplating his next move, Polk received a phone call from Marshall Foreman, the defensive coordinator for the Grand Rapids Rampage. He had a new employment opportunity in mind for Polk.
"You ready?" Foreman asked.
"Ready for what?" Polk shot back.
"You ready?"
"Who is this?"
"This is Coach Foreman. I'm ready to bring you into camp. Don't . . . come . . . if . . . you . . . ain't . . . ready. I told them you were the real deal."
"I'm ready."
Out of mind
In 2001, Polk played without pain and was running around and running his mouth again. Once during practice he broke up a pass, ran into the receiver and they both crashed into the wall. Everyone was frozen in silence as they waited for Polk to get up.
"The whole practice got quiet," he said. "I hopped up and ran back into the huddle, but everyone was staring at me. I looked around and (Grand Rapids coach Mike Trigg) said, "Don't ever do that again.' I think I earned some respect because they saw that I was going to give 100 percent no matter what."
The memory of the accident is blurry, and that's the way Polk and Powell like it. Polk likes to point to the holes in his forehead where the halo rested, but the marks are barely visible. And he never thinks about getting injured again.
"You can say my story is like a storybook," Polk said. "I was able to come back.
Take your time, and remember "Tranquilo, poco a poco".
You have great friends and family who are behind you all the way.
Un brazo fuerte,
Hasta Pronto,
Ines + Gil
Hello from an old friend
Joel sent me this info for you and I wanted to write and tell you that I am thinking of you. I am not sure you remember but I had a very serious mountain bike accident in Tahoe back in 1998. I suffered a traumatic brain injury and was unconscience for a few days and had many mental and physical deficits. I think that you, Lou and Tom sent me flowers while I was in the hospital. I had short term memory loss for 4 months, partial paresis on one side of my body, severe pain and headaches. I really don't remember anything of my first 4 months of recovery but I do remember the outpouring of assistance and help for me. My recovery was long and frustrating and I fought for everything. Now I am fine no mental deficits to note (although some may agrue!) I also regained all of my physical functions. Our injuries are different and you will have many challanges ahead. As you know I am a physical therapist my specialty is not spinal cord rehab but I could answer lots of questions if I have more info on your injury. My specialty is orthopedic spine and neurogenic pain disorders, not a far reach from spinal cord injury.
On another note do you remember my crazy chocolate lab, Heike who used to hang out with Bruno? Anyway, I hope you are up and going soon.
My Visit, Sending Chris a Shout Out
I ventured on up the ICU at the UCLA Medical Center and visited with Chris today. He's doing so well, much better than i expected. He's still in the ICU, but may be moved to a more normal room tonight. I met with Chris, Anna, Anna's mother, and Chris' dad too. Big props go out to the Oberle and Haudenschild families for their amazing fortitude and support. It is so good to see Chris and that he's doing as well as he is. Chris' submission for an Architectural competition that he and a couple friends have produced recently is being entered today. Chris is very talkative and optimistic; he's focused on sending positive brain waves down his spine so that he will sooner than later feel his legs again. Chris is actively searching for a good rehabilitation center.
This blog is 'off the hook'! Looking good, thanks for the posts everyone, and keep 'em coming! We're going to make it better in upcoming days to make sure that it is in full interstellar overdrive by the time Chris is online to check it out. Stay in touch.
Best regards,
Bill Wagner
research (lipitor)
Chris, thought you might find this interesting. :)
Contact: Heather Woolwine
March 20, 2007
Research Breakthrough Suggests New Treatment for Spinal Cord Injuries
Singh is a Pediatrics distinguished university professor, Division of Developmental Neurogenetics director and Darby Children's Research Institute scientific director.
Spinal cord injury is a major cause of disability, and the current therapy with high dose steroids offers little benefit. Statins, including AT, belong to a class of drugs that are known to affect numerous cellular processes. Experimental investigations and clinical trials in patients have established the neuroprotective efficacy of statin treatment in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries.
"These exciting findings suggest that AT shelters myelin producing cells and neurons during the inflammatory storm produced by trauma, and that when the storm has passed that such cells resume myelin production," said DCRI executive director, neurologist and neuroscientist Bernard Maria, M.D. "It opens up a new paradigm for treatment of spinal cord injury by preserving the integrity of progenitor cells that would otherwise have died off."
It is now accepted that the site, nature, and duration of secondary inflammations occurring immediately after a spinal cord injury determine the extent of functional loss or paralysis, and early reduction of these events is shown to minimize functional loss and enhance recovery. As a result, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective agents, including statins, are the favored first line of defense as therapeutic agents in spinal cord injuries. Singh said, "I am blessed to be leading a team of talented investigators who do pioneering work to delineate the mysteries of nature to develop novel treatments for neurological disorders. I'm especially proud of the pioneering work performed in the Darby Children's Research Institute to protect the brain stem cells for regeneration in various disease processes, such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury. Presently, these drugs are being evaluated for therapy in inflammatory neurological disorders."
Neurodegeneration post-injury is evident in the form of white matter destruction that includes loss of tissue viability, degeneration of severed axons and myelin destruction. AT treatment post-SCI reduced these processes. Furthermore, AT treatment prevented apoptotic neuronal loss. This is of critical value in spinal cord injuries, as neuroprotective treatments after injury have the potential to lead to improved functional recovery and only a few residual axons (5-10%) are needed to achieve significant functional recovery.
While considering regenerative approaches, depending on the nature and extent of injury, it is likely that AT by itself or maybe in combination with other therapeutic approaches, such as stem cell transplantation, could prove beneficial and augment functional recovery. As immune suppression has been found beneficial for survival of transplanted cells, it is likely that anti-inflammatory actions of post-injury AT treatment could compliment cell grafting by creating a growth supportive environment to augment survival and differentiation of these cells to enhance the reparative process.
Emphasizing the therapeutic potential of post-injury AT treatment in spinal cord injuries, the investigation also strengthens the idea of long-term benefits that include reduction of secondary pathology through suppression of inflammation, Wallerian degeneration, gliosis, and most importantly-neuronal apoptosis.
This study is only the beginning of an endeavor to uncover the extensive potential of AT in treating spinal cord injuries as the various facets of this drug need to be carefully examined to more precisely determine the clinical effects of statins, the differential potency of statins, and to evaluate whether combination therapy might be more effective than monotherapy. However, due to the long-established human safety of statins, this report is likely to have positive clinical implications for spinal cord treatment.
About MUSC
Founded in 1824 in
A Few Links on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care & Cure
The Spinal Cord Society
Spinal Cord Injury Network International
The National Spinal Cord Injury Hotline(800) 526-3456E-mail:
We love you Chris and we are thinking of you!!!
Hey from San Fran
I would like to share this tidbit with the group, a friend (who does not know Chris) writes upon hearing the news:
I’m sorry, that’s awful. There is actually a good chance we’ll be healing spinal cords within a few years. A friend of mine from kung-fu is working on repairing severed spinal cords in rats at UCLA by implanting stem-cells and testing different activating agents. I know Harvard’s doing a lot of stem-cell work too. I’d say at this point it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. As far as I know there’s nobody in the field who’s saying, ‘This will never work’. They’re just working out the details... Hopefully in not too many more years, the phrase ‘Never walk again’ will be a thing of the past.
Everyone here in San Francisco is pulling for you!
I want to let you know I'm taking care of your property at the lake. Your favorite property manager's got everything under control. Now all I need is for you to take all of your energy and put it into recovering. I need you back here Obs to create Kings Beach's first Internet savoy motel, and all the other amazing ideas that come from that brain of yours. We miss you on the Design Committee and at Friday's Conference Center appreciation, we all had you in our thoughts. You can get through anything Chris. That is one thing I know about you.
Miss you.
We have you in our thoughts and prayers and have faith in that this mountain of a hurdle can be crossed. Anna! You are an incredible fountain of strength! We look forward to seeing the both of you this summer and sharing in the steps toward recovery.
With love and support to both of you and your families!
Xenia & Nick
Trip report
He said it didn't seem like a problem as he first rode into the drop-off, until he got a little further and it got really steep. Then, he still thought he could ride it out. When it became apparent he couldn't, he was totally aware and made the decision on how to fall, shoulder down first, then tried to roll onto his back. He said the fellow who saw him didn't think he was hurt too badly from watching him, that it wasn't a heinous looking wipeout or anything, very controlled.
He felt the feeling drain from his waist down, and told the guy to call an ambulance.
Chris was in good spirits Friday and Sunday while we visited, and showed great courage. He's very interested in figuring out what is going on with his body, and what is the best route to take for the best recovery. His main concern yesterday was how to get the swelling down the fastest, and communicating with the very busy Doctor. He feels like he needs to be pro-active on this starting right away. He will hopefully have access to a computer soon, so he can do more research and try to understand all the mechanics.
Rocky and I also visited with Anna. She is holding up awesomely! Chris is very lucky to have her by his side through this. AND, Anna's family! Chris's parents Nadine and John were also holding up. We talked to them at length yesterday. Out from Kansas, staying at Chris' place, taking care on Bruno. Of course, they're a little overwhelmed, but showing where Chris gets his downearth strength, grace and charm.
Quite the pyramid of people supporting each other here. Chris, Anna, parents, siblings, friends. It's been amazing to see everyone drawing strength from each other. Friends, let's keep up the good work, it really is helping a lot!
As for Rocky and me, seeing Chris was a relief in a big way: Chris is still with us completely, and it was great to get a hug from him!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Dear Friends and Family,
Chris is still in the ICU at
So much of the time Chris believes that he will recuperate his body and we all have to believe that this is the case. We must keep sending him our strength and prayers to get him through this because it is going to take herculean will and power for him to succeed. I know he feels all of your energy and determination and hopefully it can help him endure during moments when he is too weak or tired. All of you have already helped me get through so many times.
It seems as if Chris will remain in the ICU until maybe Wednesday but hopefully he will be able to stay there as long as possible because he is getting the best treatment there. After the ICU, he will be moved to the main floor, where it will be easier for him to receive visitors, and where he will spend about a week before he is sent to rehab in a yet to be determined location. I know many of you want to visit him and he will be SO happy to see you, though he is very fragile and needs his sleep.
I would like to share with you all this blog where we you can keep updated on Chris and begin conversations and exchanges of information, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, websites, top places for young athletes to rehabilitate, stories of inspiration for Chris and of course great Chris stories amongst our community that he will soon be able to join and keep in touch with us all. If you visit with Chris, make sure you share with everyone your visit here on the blog. We would very much like to thank Billy for putting this blog together.
With love for everyone, Anna