Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Weekend FUN!

This Memorial Day weekend with Chris in CO was so fun! Chris had many awesome visitors including eight family members, half a dozen great friends from Tahoe and me too! We were all content to hang out next to him and eat yummy Craig hospital food, but no, party man Chris insisted on taking us out. As always, the Walmartss was on the top of the list.

We also ventured on the light rail to downtown Denver, what a beautiful fun city!

Checking out maps, yes!

We cruised down the streets, Chris has got skills!

In front of the Denver Art museum..

On Sunday we had such a fun BBQ at Craig! Great food and music with family and friends new and old. Chris is really popular and already has a bunch of new friends.

Sarah and super cute dirty baby Anna

Monty and the best homemade sausage (from Kansas) ever!!


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