Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My best friend,

It was a great feeling to hear your voice yesterday. I am ashamed to think how long it has been since we spoke last. I’m new to this blogging mess... I don’t know where to start.

Its 2:30AM and I’ve read this entire blog. Seen pictures of Tim, Monte, Carmen, Nadine, and John and all of you look fantastic. What a great family. Brings back many incredible memories. I still have gas and a buzz from the famous Oberle home brew.

While you have never been in, or seen our home, you are legend in it. My kids have only seen a few pictures of the Great Chris Oberle, but they know you well. I will try and post up some pictures of the little ankle-biters soon.

We have a crazy schedule these next few weeks. Packing for our move to KC begins later today. We hope to make a partial move mid-June and the final move June 25. Mackenzie, the oldest daughter, goes to a church camp in June. Natalie, the youngest, is going to a tennis camp at the University of Alabama also in June. So, it will be quite crazy around month around here. I’ve got to find some time to study as well to prepare for the beginning of my residency training.

You are in our prayers. You will recover, there is no doubt in my mind.

Goodnight my friend.

John Bleazard

May 31, 2007 12:46 AM

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