Thursday, May 24, 2007

from Patagonia


You have been on both Sonja and my mind lately as we both send our best wishes to you. We finally faced the cold hard truth that we can't stay down here in Bariloche forever, especially when both our brothers are getting married (not to each other) in September. We still don't know where we'll end up, but I'm still hoping for Truckee, where if all else fails, my impecable Cappucinno making and/or lift chair bumping skills will come in handy.

That said, you and Anna MUST take a trip down here to explore her roots. I can't say there is anything special about the current architecture (except Daniel's designs of course), but Buenos Aires is now my favorite city in the world with outstanding buildings and neighborhoods. Bariloche is the Lake Tahoe of Patagonia and now stands as my home if I ever need to escape the US again from 5 years of unpaid speeding tickets and a warrent for my arrest about stealing zoo animals, which they know they can't prove.

Un abrazo fuerte,
Steve Saturno

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