Sunday, May 20, 2007

da truck


re: my journey to bring da truck home to tahoe.....

ramki was great, pickin me up at the airport...talked about how maybe he'll come visit and check out tahoe in the near future....and how when he drove 395 to mammoth he got pulled over for doin 90 or 100 mph in his bmw....the only excuse he could think to tell the chp was "i had to pee", you've got great friends scattered all over the place...

john and nadine did a pro job gettin everything nicely packed, including a huge box in the cab that says "fragile, this side up...chris's model"...took up the whole darn cab, barely room for me.....hope it's a great model.....

after my initial concerns with the odometer reading saying 196000 miles!...the little engine cranked all the way home, strong and steady. half my white body is now sunburned from the driver's window being open for 8 hours, shirt off...but i enjoyed it much better than an a.c. caccoon.....

395 is so awesome....always feel like i'm "sneakin" up to tahoe from L.A. through the "backyard" or somethin.........

pulled sherwin, deadmans, and conway no problem.......and same with spooner on the home stretch....

i was thinkin that we will cycle these same passes together soon my friend, one way or the other!....and i better start training to keep up with your ass......


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