Sunday, May 13, 2007


So glad I snuck up to your ucla penthouse to see you before you left town…under the radar of the parking attendant, past the grouchy lady at the front desk, between stacks of odd looking food carts (that you are probably relieved to be leaving behind), and lastly…the biggest hurdle…Rita. Yes, Rita, your personal bouncer was the most difficult to fool of them all. but like you, I persevered. I feel so fortunate to have had a chance to give you the warmest of hellos…and goodbyes. (The warmth mainly came from my just-sterilized hands but I had to let Rita enforce something, right?)

In any case, your positive attitude and excitement to be moving on with your healing in CO filled that little room-you seem more than ready to take it on. I wish you the safest of travels and all the strength in the world as you start the next phase of your recovery. Take a long deep breath of that Colorado air for me and I hope to see you there sometime soon...and hook us up with a mailing address when you get a chance so we can send you the things in LA that you miss. We'll be shipping anna out shortly, to start.

Much Love,

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