Sunday, May 13, 2007

Joining in a bit late

Chris -
This is Char writing, Peter's wife. I started to respond to a recent email rather that join the blog, becuase I have never blogged before. I wasn't sure how to even join a blog, but I also had no idea what was going on with you. I figured the only way to find out, is to go to the site and read it all.

I feel horrible about your accident, I can't even imagine you in this condition. Our prayers are with you on your journey to Colorado. We will definitely stay up on any news that is forwarded our way.

Just to keep you up on the home you designed for us, we are well into construction. The plywood walls of the garage have been put up and the garage window has been framed in. I swear the best view in the house is from the garage! Peter might just get into "fixing stuff" at the workbench that will be built there. Verdi Peak is smack dab in the center of that window. The main floor is much higher off the ground than I had invisioned from your drawings, and I can see that the floor above the garage is going to be pretty high in the air. As the home is taking shape I am shaking my head that it is nothing like I imaginined, and yet JUST LIKE I imagined. Strange. We can't wait for the rest of it to start unfolding.

Chris, I had always assumed that you would be at our house warming. Depending on how long your recovery takes, maybe we will see you there. But regardless, you have to plan on seeing the house that you created when it is done.

Wishing you the best -
Char Arbogast

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