Sunday, May 13, 2007

speaking of Bruno...

Hey Chris,
I haven't seen you for a few days, but our lives have intersected quite a bit this weekend-

I thought you would appreciate this story:
yesterday I was on the phone with Kurt, and I have to admit, I was getting a little annoyed because Kurt was over-the-top multi-tasking. He was talking to me and also hammering away at something in the airstream, over and over again! What ?!?! It was so loud, he must have been hammering right next to the phone. Now I know that sometimes it is important to hammer, but as it kept going and going, I began to question if we ought to be talking with each other. So, after a while I called him out on it. Ooops, I was wrong! Low and behold, it was bruno, wagging his tail super hard against the wall! Who knew that Bruno's tail is as hard as a hammer? 14 years old but going strong!

On a different note, about two months ago we were discussing movies, and you were going on and on about Highlander (for those of you reading this blog that haven't yet been swept away by action sci-fi and therefore may be wondering, chris was going on and on about how Highlander is awesome, not cheesy). Finally it came up on my netflix queue, and I just finished watching it. Yeah! It is up there with Blade I, II, and III! I especially like how he repeatedly calls Sean Connery his Spanish Peacock. I'm feeling so fired up!
Anyhow, a bunch of your recommendations are coming up in the queue, like Why We Fight and Das Boot. We should have a movie club (plus, I am going to be very hard pressed to get anyone else to watch and then talk about movies like Highlander).

It is Sunday night and your move to colorado is tomorrow. I hope you are resting up well right now! I'll be thinking of you in the morning.


- yeah, ironic, I know. I thought I'd better sign with "peace", since I just totally glorifying Highlander, which is all about chopping off the heads of your enemies and friends, so that you can win "the prize". hmmm, I'm going to go think about that...

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