Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Healing Chris

Hello from Lake Tahoe,

I am sad to hear about your accident BUT happy to hear you are in good spirits. It is going to take a lot of work to get strong and it definitely starts with your mind. I just returned from Santa Cruz where Todd is sailing in the Melges Worlds. Pretty cool-60 boats. He sends his best and will write more in a few days. We've been thinking about you every day & sending healing prayers.

I am going to be in Santa Monica next week for an acupuncture class and will definitely come by and visit. Is there anything you need brought down from Tahoe?

Now for the acupuncture plug:

I think that acupuncture would be a great adjunct to any therapy you are receiving and we can talk more about that when I visit if you like. I worked in the UCLA student health center when I was in acupuncture school. Perhaps we could hook you up with an acupuncturist through UCLA. Who knows maybe you'll let me do some energy work or poke you with a few needles next week.

All the best to you & Anna..See you soon. Julie Barnett

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