Monday, May 7, 2007

Hey from San Fran

Chris! You rock! I have been driving around all weekend listening to tunes from when we were all down in San Diego a few years back, thinking of the good times and getting psyched for more ahead...

I would like to share this tidbit with the group, a friend (who does not know Chris) writes upon hearing the news:

I’m sorry, that’s awful. There is actually a good chance we’ll be healing spinal cords within a few years. A friend of mine from kung-fu is working on repairing severed spinal cords in rats at UCLA by implanting stem-cells and testing different activating agents. I know Harvard’s doing a lot of stem-cell work too. I’d say at this point it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. As far as I know there’s nobody in the field who’s saying, ‘This will never work’. They’re just working out the details... Hopefully in not too many more years, the phrase ‘Never walk again’ will be a thing of the past.

Everyone here in San Francisco is pulling for you!

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