Tuesday, May 8, 2007

travel calendar

Hi Chris!

Great to hear you're outta the trauma ward!

Rocky and I were thinking...

1. A calendar for all of us to let each other know when we'll be visiting you. Maybe a link off the blog?
2. An account to put $'s in for stuff... stuff that insurance might not cover, like drugs that are not yet FDA approved but might help? Or for travel funds for family/friends to come visit you if anyone needed... Or extra massages?

I talked to Leslie yesterday and one of the things we thought people might like to do is get together and play and tell stories and put $'s in a "pot" to help out. I KNOW you don't want/need charity, but all of us need something to do that make us feel like we're helping (besides thinking good thoughts lots!) Anyway, just wanted to keep you up to date on some of our latest thoughts. Miss you guys! Lot's of Love, Kim and Rocky

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