Saturday, May 12, 2007

Maxin' & Relaxin', and soon to be Flexin'

Hi Chris,


The news that came to me last week about your accident was a shock and bummed me out in a supreme fashion. How is it something like this happens to someone so darned nice and undeserving? I don't get it. Despite the circumstance, I hope all the tremendous support of caring family and friends who are writing and visiting are keeping your spirit and character up to the usual Chris Oberle level.

Sorry I'm not down in LA to visit prior to your trip out to CO. I do have a project under construction out in Denver at the moment and will have several trips over the next few weeks for site observation and substantial completion. I see Craigs Hospital is in Denver, I'm going to try and swing by for a visit if the darned contractor isn't keeping me busy correcting his incorrections. Hopefully you'll be available for visits. It's been too long since we coincidentally ran into each other on the sidewalk in San Francisco.

I am hoping super-dupper crazy hard all your rehab goes smoother than anticipated....and the physical trauma soon goes by the wayside. My thoughts are definitely with you.

Advance apology for my crass humor, but one thing I haven't read in this blog is what the heck happened to your mountain bike? If it's still rideable mind if I borrow it? I'll take excellent care of it, grease the chain and clean the derailleur, gears, the works...I'll even put a little shiny bell on it that goes DING-A-LINGA-DING-DING!!!

I was thinking the other day about that first semester studio we had with Natalie. Remember that time we were in studio and someone comes in and yells, "Cris, your dog's driving away with your truck?" You ran outside to find Bruno had chewed off your stick shift knob and in the process popped your truck out of gear into neutral. Your truck rolled away with Bruno in the driver seat. That was funny stuff.

Enough of my ranting....Take care Chris. I wish you the best on recovery and please keep your determination and spirit up during your rehab.

Talk soon,
Steve Hegedus

1 comment:

nelsong said...

I've been wanting to ask about the bike too....