Tuesday, May 8, 2007

this message is for bill..

rocky woods here....

thanks for creating this awesome blog...

what would your thoughts be about a section at the top of the blog for a "visiting calendar ", and maybe a "sign up sheet" directly below (or some such thing) ? i wonder if anna thinks it's a good or a bad idea?

anyway, if it's a good idea, then chris and family could respond to folks on the sheet about the best time to "come over"...

just a thought....anyway, let me know if there's anything at all that i can do to help re: this.....or anything....




bill wagner said...

hey rocky-
it would be nice to set up a visitation sign up calender for this page, but i don't know how to do that. anyone know html to get that in there?

nelsong said...

Yeah, you should be able to use a Google calendar. I think they make it easy for you to link them onto a blog. I'll look into it later.

kim and rocky woods said...

Hey Nelsong,

We set up a google calendar for everybody to view and use. You can add and view events on it but the only way we could figure out to do that was by creating a single account for everyone to use.

The site is: calendar.google.com and the login information is as follows:

login: oberlecalendar@hotmail.com
password: password123

After you log in you can add, edit even delete events so be careful ;)

If we like it we can put it on the main blog so everybody knows about it. Let us know what ya think...

Kim and Rocky Woods

gabbart & woods crew said...

test from g&w